Alabama vs Jacksonville, Florida (Statistical Comparison)

Published Categorized as UNITED STATES
Is Alabama bigger than Jacksonville

Alabama is a state of the United States of America located in the Southeastern region of the country, whereas Jacksonville is the largest and most populous city of the U.S. state of Florida located on the Atlantic coast of the state. Today in this article, we will discuss the comparison between Alabama and Jacksonville regarding various aspects.


Is Alabama bigger than Jacksonville (Florida) ?

The total area of Alabama is 52,419 sq mi, and the total area of Jacksonville is 874.46 sq mi. Alabama is bigger than Jacksonville by 51,544.54 sq mi. Alabama is around 59.95 times bigger than Jacksonville.

Area of Alabama:  52,419 sq mi ( 135,765 km2 )

Area of Alabama compared to the Area of Jacksonville

Area of Jacksonville:  874.46 sq mi ( 2,264.84 km2 )

Area of Jacksonville Florida coampred to Alabama


According to the United States Census Bureau, the total population of Alabama as of 1st July 2021, was estimated to be around 5,039,877.

Population of Alabama compared to Jacksonville

Based on the United States Census Bureau data, the total population of Jacksonville (Florida) as of 2019, was estimated to be around 890,467.

Population of Jacksonville compared to Alabama

Here is some more data comparison between Alabama and Jacksonville.

Official Languages

Alabama: English
Jacksonville: English


Alabama: Alabamian, Alabaman
Jacksonville: Jaxons, Jacksonvillians

Alabama Time Zone: 

UTC – 6 (Central Standard Time)

Summer (DST):
UTC – 5 (Central Daylight Time)

Jacksonville Time Zone: 

UTC – 5 (Eastern Standard Time)

Summer (DST):

UTC – 4 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Geological Coordinates

Coordinates of Alabama:
32° 46′ 45.84″ N, 86° 49′ 43.32″ W

Coordinates of Jacksonville:
30° 20′ 13″ N81° 39′ 41″ W

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By Aashish Poudel Genuine

Aashish Poudel Genuine is a web developer, writer and currently a student in Cyprus. He has created this site to help people who are willing to come to Cyprus or want to know more about this country.

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